  I travelled with Adventure Canada to Northern Labrador. It’s wild, remote, desolate and, hands down, the most beautiful place I’ve ever been to.    As an extra bonus adventure, I met  Margaret Atwood onboard. She  graciously drew some cartoons for
  Apollo XI has fascinated me since childhood. I did this piece to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo landing.
  Philip Roth was, and remains, one of my great literary heroes.    The fact that he was such a friendly kibitzer made him even more heroic in my eyes.
  Prior to the 2016 election, my wife and I went on a little road trip from Cleveland to Philadelphia via Pittsburgh and Washington. I documented it all for National Post.     The goal was to gain some insight into the general mood of the electorate.
  I owe it all to Mad magazine.    I did this piece for National Post to mark its sad demise.
  I read 5 of Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knaussgard’s epic fictional memoir “My Struggle”.    It’s filled with angst, dread, dysphoria and…humour.    I didn’t make it through the 6th volume though. Too much of a struggle.
  When Robert Mankoff, former cartoon master of the New Yorker, came to town, I was lucky enough to score an interview with him. He was very comical.
  I was invited by Celestial Cruises to circumnavigate Cuba. Very beautiful. Wonderful people. Rich history. And great music everywhere.
  My most recent Adventure Canada adventure was a circumnavigation of Iceland. There’s so much to see there…active volcanoes, glaciers and sheep. Lots and lots of sheep.
  Spent time on assignment in London for the 2012 Summer Olympics.    I ran around doing a million things every day. It was exhausting, but I loved it and couldn’t really get enough of it.    As Samuel Johnson said…“When a man is tired of London, he
  Adventure Canada invited me to join a trip to Greenland and the Arctic via The Northwest Passage.    Mere words cannot describe the intense and dramatic beauty of what I saw.    So I drew pictures too.
  I wrote and drew this piece about a personal trip I took to Israel a couple of years ago. Published in National Post.
  I spent a couple of weeks hanging around  Beijing prior to the 2008 Summer Olympics. I found the level of reverence for Mao at the Mao Memorial fascinating and strangely compelling.    I also got shown around the city by a young film student who kn
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